Time Travel, and Singapore’s Autocratic Lee Kuan Yu
(This Postcard was written in September 2022, prior to commencing my October 2022 adventure in Singapore)

In October 2023 I am commencing an Adventure in Singapore. In preparation a little time travel, let’s briefly discuss a short history of Singapore. “You can’t really know a person until you get in their shoes and walk around in them,” so said Atticus Finch in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. So, in regard Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yu, Prime Minister 1959 to 1990: Since I will soon literally be walking in his footsteps, well I thought it smart to put on his shoes.
Let’s start with what I know:
Young Mr. Lee Kuan Yu.
Lee Kuan Yu was born in British Empire, Singapore 1923. Pondering the young Lee, I reflect that all people start as a child – If the adult becomes brilliant, average, a force for good or evil, or time travels through history: We all start as a simple innocent child. Life changes us, our past makes our future or can do: Time travel (click this link to understand my view on time travel)! Ok, I’m stalling, what do I really know? Not much:
Lee, like my dad was alive when the invincible British Singapore fortress fell to the Japanese in oh, about 1 week. Lee lived it up close and personal, my dad, just like so many Aussies, just felt the fear of Japanese Invasion from afar.
Making of Singapore.
Lee, made Singapore, how? I’m very sketchy on the details.
Lee once told Australian’s, “You will be the poor white trash of Asia.” This I did live, and I remember it aroused many budgies, in the land of smuggler’s descendants.

Then, oddly Aussie Prime Minister Bob Hawke agreed with Lee: Some of those budgies got really aroused!
Lee frequently had people flogged for chewing gum and dropping rubbish: I recall very well the West’s shock. Australian’s recoiled, we might be trash, but public floggings: How backward was this Lee character? Seems, we had long forgotten Britain, actually sent its ‘white trash’ Down Under, for petty crimes: Aussie authorities had a flogging penchant right up to 1958, when shock and horror Lee was alive. And that’s about all I know! What shaped him?
Time Travel with Mr. Lee Kuan Yu.
Lee was Cambridge educated, 1950 admitted as a Barrister. So, it seems he was a proper part of the Established British Empire. Whereas Ho Chi Minh, Uncle Ho to his mates, leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party: Well, the best the French and the United States could do for him were menial café jobs. It seems Lee understood the British, so when he, in his best Cambridge English, politely asked them to leave, well they actually did. It took over 100,000 dead French and US boys, and well over 2 Million Vietnamese: For those Western powers to say, Ok Uncle Ho, you can have your Country back.
Jumping to Feb 1942: Singapore has fallen to the Japanese. 80,000 British, Australian, and other Commonwealth troop, marched off to build Japan’s Death Railway, try and stay alive – 40% did not. Lee was arrested, mainly because he was educated and Chinese. Randomly separated into two groups, Lee’s group worked for Japan as British Intelligence Officers: The others were shot and fed to Singapore crabs. Perhaps another example suggesting that some people are just destined to be greater than crab poo. So,
Singapore, no bullying policy.
Lee witnessed all of this; it shaped his future. In 1961 Lee issued a public radio address and stated:
“I emerged from the war, determined that no one, neither Japanese nor British—had the right to push and kick Singapore around, we could govern ourselves”.
Lee Kuan Yu
Singapore became an independent State on 3 June 1959. A brief merger with Malaysia followed racial and economic conflict broke the marriage. In August 1965, the Republic of Singapore we know today emerged.
Singapore, successful time travel.
In 77 years, Singapore went from in Lee’s words: “Third World to First World”. Just how much of the Singapore we know, reflects Lee’s values? In 1974, Lee promoted water recycling – by 2015, Singapore achieved permanent water self-sufficiency. Although Singapore is very wet, that’s foresight many Countries would be envious of. Singapore in 1965 was illiterate, squalid housing, limited health care – Lee established world class education, health care, with 90% house ownership through public finance. So, yes today’s Singapore has emerged to Lee’s vision. Ok, so where’s the downside?
Singapore a flawed democracy.
The West has frequently criticized Lee’s authoritarian rule. Only in recent times has the Government included substantial representations of Parties other than Lee’s. But voting is open and free: Not surprisingly, Lee’s party receives more than 80% of the Vote. So, Benevolent Dictatorship it may well have been in its turbulent birth years: But it seems it’s a benevolence most Singaporeans freely vote for. However, Singapore is now considered a ‘flawed democracy,’ Lee’s party just can’t let go of control of journalism, elections, and the court room.
Singapore has at least one essential democratic issue in common with its ‘white trash’ neighbours: Both Singapore and Australia have compulsory mandated voting. But, whereas Australia rates number 13 in the International Democracy Index, Singapore is way down at 86. Some context to this Index – New Zealand 8, US 36, Ukraine 92, Russia 144.
Singapore, time travel and a serious destination.
In 1965, 100,000 tourists visited Singapore, in 2019 2.75 Million. In 24 hours, Lizzie and I will increase that number by two!
Young Mr. Lee, you created a serious Journey destination. (click this link to gain an insight into what I love about Singapore.)