An Australian story about travel, and ripping yarns. Blog

Time Travel – Exotic, dangerous, beautiful, spiritual Indonesia.

(The Postcard was written in September 2023. Preparing for an Indonesian adventure, I explored Indonesian history via a series of Postcards.)

Motivation for Time Travel.

Soon, I’m up anchor and travelling to Yogyakarta, Indonesia to commence another time travel adventure. Follow this link to understand how and why I use the idea of time travel. Why travel? What do we get from travelling? I am not by nature very reflective, so set myself the task to explore such questions. Perhaps explore Indonesia via a few Postcards, before heading off. Since I’m not a good sailor and travelling by tramp steamer from Australia to Indonesia has been done, and due to pirates is none to safe, then it’s:

Really chocks away, grab a flight – here we go!

Where is Yogyakarta and how far am I travelling?

Yogyakarta, Indonesia is 5000 kilometres from Australia. Six hours direct flying time. Travel time from my home to hotel – Say 10 hours.

The first reflection is one of adventure and the unknown. I live on a rural property 100 kilometres West of Brisbane, quiet, undeveloped with a small population.

My time travel adventure starts in the rural location shown on this aerial view.
My Neighbourhood – Cows, kangaroo, and a whole lot of quiet!

Then there is Yogyakarta!

A map of Yogyakarta illustrating where my time travel adventure is taking place.
A lot of tightly packed streets – And no kangaroo!

Yogyakarta has a population density of 1100 people per square kilometre – Compared to my neighbourhood of 5 people, 300 cows, and a 100 kangaroo.

The contrast is even more extreme when you consider the street where I live in Australia, with my temporary home in Yogyakarta:

My time travel adventure starts in my own neighborhood. By comparison to Yogyakarta, the subject of my adventure, it is very quiet.
My Neighbourhood – Cows, kangaroo, and a whole lot of quiet!
My time travel adventure commences in the busy streets of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
My Neighbourhood Yogyakarta

Time Travel Adventures – Remedy for jadedness.

Certainly, there is a sense of adventure, dropping down in a city where I don’t know one street. When you get to 60, well your own environment gets somewhat jaded. Nothing is ever new, and some places are just not as good as you remember them.

Well unlike dear, sad, missed Robin, I remember the 1960’s. When I was born in 1962, Australia had a population of 10.75 million – Today it’s 26.33 million. Not surprisingly my environment has changed: Not always for the better.

Time Travel to the 1960’s.

My Dad would take me fishing, simply pull up by a river or beach, set up a tarpaulin, camp on the ground, light a fire – catch a few fish. Sometimes the local ‘Wallopers’ (Police) would stop by, not to arrest my dad and his mates, far from it: They would have more than a few beers, play poker with Dad and his mates! Try that today, you would definitely be arrested. One of Indonesia’s attractions is the comparative lack of regulation and control.

Friends tell me they don’t like travel outside Australia: “The nose and eye savaging condition of bathrooms and toilets. I never had the experience of an indoor flushing toilet until 1970. So, the ‘elegant’ bathrooms you sometimes encounter when travelling, come as no new life experience. All part of the time travel adventure.

Indonesia is known to me. I’ve been to Bali many times and once to the capital Jakarta. I studied Indonesia extensively in my time in the Australian Military – Australian/Indonesia relations have been troubled and at times very tense. One of my interests – What probable reason in 2023 have we for not being great supportive neighbours?

I also speak Bahasa Indonesian, well kind off. Like many Australians of British decent, there was simply no need, environment, or interest in acquiring multilingual skills. Something by the age of 40, I was quite embarrassed about. Definitely part of my interest in travelling is living daily with a non-native language as your primary means of communication. Plus, at 60 its good for your brain, up there with doing a sudoku puzzle a day.

I did say I’m not very reflective, and that’s it for me: No more reflections. So, I thought I would look at what wiser men than me (not extremely hard) have to say about travel.

Time Travel: The Ancient World

One of the first recorded comments on travel was the Ancient Greek Aristotle (383 to 322 BC), he does not say very much:

Travel adventure is worthwhile.
Aristotle Time Traveller Adventurer

However, his writings cover a broad range of subjects including Biology, zoology, geology, and systems of government. Old Ari did not simply make this stuff up, he travelled widely observing intently. Aristotle’s philosophy influenced the three Abrahamic religions. Aristotle’s intellectual afterlife would be little less than a history of human thought. So, Ari was a great explorer in life, history proves him to be an impressive time travel adventurer in death. As the Muslim religion is dominant in Indonesia, then traces of Aristotle can be found in Yogyakarta spiritual life. My writing on Indonesia spiritualism is available by clicking this sentence.

Then along came Alexander the Great (356 to 323 BC). Interestingly, Aristotle educated Alex. Below seems to be the first record of teacher and pupil kicking back: Enjoying some mind-altering substance perhaps?

Aristotle is shown in this painting teaching Alexander the Great. Their lives were ones of extraordinary time travel adventure.
My Classrooms were nothing like this!

Did Alex actually listen to the finer points of Ari’s classical education? I’m not so sure as evidenced by his latter actions.

Alexander did acquire his mentor’s habit of travel, by the time he died in 323BC he had both slaughtered and conquered the known world: Fairly sure that was not Aristotle’s intention.

Alexander the Great shown in this drawing, one of the world's great time travelling adventurers.

Julius Caesar also liked to travel, in between seducing Middle Eastern Queens, I guess. However, as I discussed in a previous Postcard – ‘Fascists and other Arseholes’, Julius’ motivation was more about plunder and destruction – Nothing to learn here!

Julius Caesar, Ancient Roman General, shown in the statue. Julius' continues a life of time travel adventure.

Time Travel – The Ancient world did some positive stuff.

Surely someone in the Ancient World had a less destructive view of travel.

Well, there is one even more ancient, Ancient Greek then Aristotle, the ardent traveller Euripides (480 – 406BC). Euripides believed there was no better education then travel:

A photo of a windmill. The windmill concept travelled down to us over 2500 years. Considerable time travel adventure.
Windmill Invention? Persia 500BC – China 200BC: US 1850AD.

However, it seems the consequence of his travel was a firm belief that life was indeed a tragedy, for Euripides wrote 90 Greek Tragic Plays, all of which Time Travelled down to us.

His personal life wasn’t as successful as his professional one. Euripides was married twice, in both instances, his wives were unfaithful to him, perhaps he should have taken them on a time travel adventure. In response, and to avoid the child support, he cancelled his passport, and platinum AMEX: Living out his days in a cave in Salamis, Greece. Some cave I guess, as it was reported to contain the largest library in Ancient Greece.

Some 400 years later, Euripides inspired Seneca (04BC – 65AD), of Ancient Rome. Seneca was one of the main exponents of the school of Stoicism, which teaches that the highest goal in life is the pursuit of the four cardinal virtues, namely: Wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage.  Seneca was also a great traveller:

The concept of the hot air balloon time travelled down to us over 2300 years. That is very considerable time travel adventure.
Hot Air Ballon Invention – China 300 BC – Europe 1753 AD.

Seneca also wrote tragic plays, 9 in total and all of them Time Travelled down to us. Perhaps travel also gave Seneca a tragic view on life?

Seneca’s influence on later generations is immense, during the Renaissance he was a sage admired and venerated as an oracle of morality, a guide to how Christians could improve themselves. Our contemporary world witnesses a developing interest in the ‘ Ancient Stoic Way’ of such as Seneca: Don’t believe me? Search ‘Stoicism’ on LinkedIn. But,

Time Travel – The dark side.

In the end Seneca leaves us with a rather tragic and dark view on those who celebrate travel:

They undertake one journey after another and change spectacle for spectacle. Ever from himself does each man flee. But what does he gain if he does not escape from himself? He ever follows himself as his own most burdensome companion. And so, understand that what we struggle with is the fault, not of the places, but of ourselves.


Confucius (551 – 479 BC) was a Chinese philosopher who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius’s teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, Time Travelling to us, and remaining influential in China and East Asia.

Confucius echoes the darkness of Seneca in suggesting:

Though you travel, your problems will follow you, you cannot journey away from yourself”.

Chinese philosopher shown in this statue, has travelled down to us over thousands of years. Considerable time travel adventure.

Sometime before his death in 632AD, the Prophet Mohammed also turned his hand to a bit of travel blogging:

The Prophet Muhammed's teachings have been excellent time travel adventures.

Now I immediately found this fascinating – Adding immensely to the credible benefits of travel. But then,

Consulting experts on the work of The Prophet, I discovered he never said any such thing. It’s a complete fabrication not appearing until around 1991. So, another lesson to the traveller – Travel and tourism is generally good for local economies, naturally then there is motivation for vested interests to ‘Gild the Lilly’, exaggerate, even down right lie about the great benefits of visiting their fair cities.

East and West Shall Never Meet.

So said Rudyard Kipling in 1889, though actually he is suggesting that neither geography, race, nor class, actually divide men when they meet face to face.

Is this actually true? In the contemporary world it’s easy to believe that the ‘East’ and the ‘West’ are separated, if no longer by travel and time, but by such issues as politics, culture, religion, and thickness of wallet. But was this always true?

Confucius seems to echo Seneca. Could ancient Eastern and Western Philosophers have known of each other, way back before 500BC? The answer is a BIG Yes.

We in our contemporary ‘sophistication’, simply assume the Ancient World was parochial – separate kingdoms swimming in their own remote fishbowls. But,

Time travel along ancient routes.

The Persian Empire had constructed a road network connecting the Middle East with Southern Europe and the Mediterranean well before 500 BC.

And all this time I thought Alexander the Great was a trail blazer riding his horse from Macedonian to Persia – Seems he simply followed the Michelin Guidebook.

The subjects of the Ancient World were great travellers as is evident from the ‘Silk Road’ map of 300BC to 100BC. Logical inference that the Ancient World was also considerably multilingual?

Well, I’m not sure trading Roman olive oil for Chinese porcelain, would have been extremely easy using hand gestures alone.

Curiously – 300 BC, who is an internationally connected trading port? SINGAPORE

So yes, it’s more than probable that Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Chinese and Persian wisdom, and knowledge: Travelled in Camel Trains and Chinese Junks, alongside other assorted trade goods. Then of course the knowledge sharing interaction between travellers in the numerous inns, hotels, brothels, cafes, and shops that no doubt bounded these routes – Travelers are thirsty, hungry, and open for a great ripping yarn.

History of Travel: The Modern World

The Grand Tour, primarily associated with the British Nobility, was the 17th to early 19th Century custom of a traditional trip through Europe, with Italy as a key destination, undertaken by upper class young European men of sufficient wealth.

A time meant to broaden the young mind whilst pondering the antiquity of Europe and the former might and glory of the long-lost Roman Empire.

Did anything meaningful spring from two centuries of aristocratic grand touring?

My Hat is Definitely more Gorgeous than yours’!

I suspect a motley group of self-indulgent young men, not burdened with working for a living, achieved precisely what you would expect – Diddly Squat!

I admit my bias, since during the same period my Irish ancestors were trying to survive off small gardens of rotten potato. But at least these Dandies proved Seneca and Confucius correct in their dark warnings about the possible outcome of travel – You can’t travel away from yourself.

The end of Time Travel.

To conclude this Time Travel I’ve chosen one of my favourite authors Mark Twain (1835 -1910). Twain was a great traveller, liberal minded for his time – Worthy of being more widely read 110 years after his death.

Mark Twain arrived in Australia in 1895, having followed Robert Louis Stevenson’s directions: “Sail West and take the first turn left. (Which is precisely what Captain Cook did when leaving New Zealand in 1769, although that left turn was promptly followed by running smack into Australia and wrecking the King’s boat.) Mark Twain was travelling big time: 13-month lecture tour taking him from America to Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India and finally England.

Twain wrote about my Country, one quote, which I guess only an Aussie could love, appreciate, and see as a positive acclamation:

Australian history does not read like history, but like the most beautiful lies.”

Mark Twain

Did you really think my Post was anything but lies?

I had a head full of ideas on how I would conclude my ponderings on Travel, my learnings or lack off, but

I’d rather leave you with Mark Twain and Francis Scott Fitzgerald:

So, we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”

F Scott Fitzgerald (Nick Carraway, narrator the Great Gatsby)

Good luck with your own time travel adventures.

Singapore consumerism – Eating, extreme excess, and crazy rich Asians

(This Postcard was written from Singapore in October 2022)

Singapore consumerism – welcome to excess. Singaporeans like to eat they also like to shop!

Fifty percent of Singaporeans consider shopping as a hobby, of which 55% are women between ages 25 and 65. 80% say they shop when they need a specific item, 45% say they do so because it makes them feel happy. I was three in 1965 when Singapore became independent. The Singapore I studied at School, was well pretty broke. 77 years have passed, I turned sixty this day. Shopping as a hobby, and to lift a mood: How is that a thing, for such a high percentage of a Country, which started at such a low base, in my own lifetime? Let’s jump back to 1965: What facilitated such change?

Leadership – The path to consumerism.

1965, Singapore had finally received the Property Deeds back from Britain, and had finalized a messy divorce with Malaysia, however Singapore was hardly rolling in cash. Lee Kuan Yu, Singapore’s first Prime Minister, a man of vision, educated in the Law and Economics: But, also deeply profoundly pragmatic. 1965, Lee acknowledged that Singapore had limited resources, but they had one: The ability of Singaporeans to work together regardless of race and creed and work extremely hard. In simple terms: Lee’s Leadership transformed Singapore. Lee had the vision, he backed his people, he ensured his Government Team was the best available in all manner of skills, Day 1 ‘ZERO’ tolerance of Corruption. The people of Singapore generally embraced and followed Lee’s Leadership.

Consumerism and Gross Domestic Product.

How can we quickly measure progress since 1965? Let’s look at the GDP of Singapore compared with Australia (Lee’s Poor White Trash of Asia), Britain (Lee’s former Landlord), and the United States. Great, what’s GPD?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures a Country’s Wealth. Put simply, Assets minus Debt. So, find the loose change under the couch and the glove box, smash the kid’s piggy banks: Pay of the mortgage and all those credit cards – divide that by the number of people living in your house – That’s the GDP of your household.

Singapore’s staggering GDP growth from 1965 to 2021, is well staggering!

Lee Kuan Yu described the Leadership Values and Intent which drove this growth:

“We have had, since 1965, an undivided society, solidly behind a meritocratic system, pushing for higher standards of education, higher standards of performance, and meritocratic at every level. Instead of trying to impose Western political models on Asian realities, we sought to make autocracy respectable by leavening it with meritocracy, the rule of law and a strict intolerance for corruption to make it deliver growth.”

Lee Kuan Yu

Singapore Consumerism and Inequality.

Excellent! But has the wealth benefitted everyone?

No! It hasn’t. GDP measures national wealth, it ignores wealth distribution and inequality. Singapore displays profound financial inequality and inequity. Nothing new in this. Australia, Britain, and the US, have a similar problem of wealth accumulation at the top. However,

National wealth can also pay for public health, safe water, public infrastructure: Investment lifting the overall quality of life. Singapore has done that and shares this with Australia and Britain. Ok enough politics! What are Singaporeans spending their hard-earned wealth on?

Bucket loads of prestige and exotic cars! Significant, given it’s the world’s most expensive place to buy and own a car. Obviously, car ownership is not equitable, but then the average Singaporean has access to fast, clean, efficient, reliable public transport – Ridiculously cheap: Murah Sekali!

Singapore Consumerism – Not just exotic cars.

What are Singaporean’s buying?

Prestige goods definitely – Watches, fashion: These are big business.

Carefully feng shui-ed architecture reflects this passion, some places are aptly described as Temples of Consumerism.

Orchard Road, the prestige shopping district: Roaring, rampaging, bellowing shopping, winding up like a Lamborghini’s tachometer – quite overwhelming! As a tourist, the question is not, “Where can I buy a Rolex Watch in Singapore?”  For the answer will be, ‘Which outlet, on which floor in that same outlet, in which ‘Temple of Consumerism,’ do you wish to make your purchase?’ How can one City State sustain so many outlets for Cartier and Rolex?

Consumerism and a cheap breakfast.

I was born in Wagga Wagga, 60 years ago today. Wagga is a smallish rural Town in the Australian State of New South Wales. It hosts an Aussie Airforce base, the hospital in which I was born. Let’s just say Wagga is a typical ‘Aussie Rural Town’: It’s not that exciting. Now Oxford Street, Sydney, a place I’ve walked and inhaled numerous times in a long life: Oxford Street is Australia’s prestige shopping district: A short kangaroo hop from the Sydney Opera House. Where is this going?

Ok, simply put Orchard Road makes Oxford Street look like Wagga Wagga on a Sunday afternoon!

Fortunately, though I admire any Rolex, I was only looking for breakfast. And this is part of the intangible value of Singapore: On the same floor as all this luxury bling – traditional breakfast of Malay Nasi Lemak, for $6.50 – Murah Sekali!

The retailing of food is the foundation of Singapore. No more so than the cultural icon that is the Hawker Centre. You can read my Postcard describing the establishment and history of these institutions at this link.

Traditional breakfast of Malay Nasi Lemak.

Singapore – It’s not all Gordon Gekko.

Orchard Road seems like the past, it’s very ‘Gordon Gekko1980’s, Greed, and Desire as markers of success, ok ask your Grandad!

There are signs that contemporary Singapore Architecture is moving in line with emerging international values – Lower environmental impact, green walls, water harvesting – electronic instant connectivity.

Singapore’s new architecture is more ‘Green’ than opulent.

Singapore has not lost any of its traditional heritage precincts, take ‘Little India,’ hardly a temple of consumerism, but there is as usual eating and consuming on immense scale.

So Little India, is commercial like say Bali, Indonesia? Absolutely not? All of this display is normal business in Little India. When I shot these photos; I was obviously one of very few tourists scrambling to avoid being runover by Lamborghini and Porsche! This is sustained by local everyday business. By example, take the Aussies out of Bali, well you’re back to growing rice or serving fake vodka to arrogant Russian gangsters!

Do I love Singapore? You bet I do!

(My further thoughts on Singapore can be found by clicking this link)

Hawker Centres – Food, eating, self-determination Colonizing Bullies.

(Written in October 2022, after several introductory Postcards, I had finally started my Singapore adventure)
Statue Stamford Raffles founder of Singapore.

Finally, after much talk, I am on the ground in Singapore! It seems fitting to start where modern Singapore started, the Site where Stamford Raffles rowed ashore in 1819. So, as my old corpse is obscuring the most important part of this photograph.

Singapore let’s eat.

When I started this Postcard series, I had intended some serious ponderings, but the last two days, exhausted from travelling, I’m just eating, eating, and getting my bearings. So, food:

The classic contemporary Hawker Centre.

Food in Singapore means the ‘Hawker Centre’. Ok, what is that?

Think local takeaway or cafe, kind off. Similarity suddenly stops. Hawker Centres are communal buildings, providing accommodation to small family run businesses: Malay, Chinese, and Indian traditional fare. Food is cheap, meals are large, crowded, noisy, aromatic, fresh ingredients – Hard to describe, but US chef, author, and TV personality, Anthony Bourdain does it best:

“So, it was another day in foodie paradise. And that is Singapore’s singular danger. It is easy to get sucked in, to get used to the trivial things on your daily table — the tiny dishes of sambal or chopped red chili peppers, the soy sauce, even the moist towelettes. And once you get used to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes, there is no going back. Western food becomes eerily bland and flat. You find your soul kidnapped by the memory of condiments. If you like the idea of getting lost in Asia, Singapore is the perfect place to start

Anthony Bourdain.
Watch Anthony Bourdain’s ‘Parts Unknown’ for yes plenty of great food, but some opinions on the ‘success’ or otherwise of modern Singapore.

Hawker Centre History.

Where did this all start? The success of Raffle’s ‘Asian Pub‘, oh he also built a Trading Port: Well, it attracted workers from all over, and workers need to be fed and these workers, well let’s say Raffles and Co, were here to make money, worker’s welfare was not a huge priority. Up stepped the Hawker:

The Hawker Singapore. Now a essential aspect of Singapore's culture and history. It all started with street Hawkers as shown in this photo.
The Original Street Hawkers. They fed Singapore’s growth.

Hawkers, rode and strode Singapore’s Streets, feeding this new workforce, with the only food they knew, the traditional cuisine of their home Countries. This started, well pretty much immediately that Raffles opened shop. By the start of World War 2, Hawking was feeding most of Singapore, but that came at a price: Street congestion, no sanitation, gangs fighting for territory, rampant serious disease. The English Colonial Government tried what colonizers often do: Stamp out the problem but give scant attention to an alternative – How to feed the working population, the engine room of Singapore’s wealth.

Fascists come and go, Colonizers return.

The Japanese Invasion of 1942 stopped the Hawkers in their tracks: There simply was no food! Besides, the Japanese also wanted plenty of not just cheap labour, free forced labour.

1946, Britain, Holland, and France – having recently crushed Italy, Japan, and Germany, for their sheer audacity in trying to take over someone else’s Countries, well these European powers have returned to business as usual: Running someone else’s Country! Britain – Singapore, Holland – Indonesia, and France – Vietnam.

It was back to business for the Singapore Hawkers as well, but the same chaos, hygiene, health issues remained despite another 19 years of authorities trying to eliminate the Hawkers.

Food becomes a resistance movement.

The crack down on Hawker Centres post WW2 came to symbolize National Identity, IE: Singapore’s struggle for self-destiny, free of European or Asian empire building. During the 1950’s Hawker Centres frequently were the subject of ‘resistance’ art:

Street Hawkers running from Security Forces.

Hawker’s scrambling in response to ‘cockatoos’ warning of an authority raid. Having now walked the Singapore’s remaining back blocks, I cannot imagine apprehending such ‘villains’ was an easy business.

Singapore commences time travel into the future.

1965, Singapore has received the property deeds back from Britain and settled an ugly messy divorce with Malaysia. Lee Quan Yu’s new Government takes a different approach to the Hawkers. Lee considers the continuation of traditional regional food critical to building the multicultural society he has in mind, but he is ever pragmatic. Street Hawking is banned full stop, but not before the creation of the ‘Hawker Centre’ in which the same Hawkers can continue business. The new Hawker Centres are structurally sound, hygienic, and well maintained. Rents are controlled, the traditional Hawkers are never pushed into profit deficit by a greedy landlord. The same policy has continued down to today. But does it work?

Well US President Joe Biden thinks so:

US President Joe Biden – Any chance of a Hot Dog?

Anthony Bourdain also thinks so:

I come here mostly to eat because that’s what Singaporeans do here. And they arguably do it better—with more diverse, affordable food options per square foot than just about anywhere on Earth”.

Anthony Bourdain

UNESCO also thinks they work pretty well, in 2020 Hawker Culture was added to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Seriously, I have no idea what that means, but I do know, UNESCO has not recently added my local Fish and Chip Shop or Macca’s to that list!

Intangible Singapore.

Three days in, I get the intangibility of Singapore, as Anthony said, it’s something to do with:

“Jam-packed in between the carefully feng shui-ed architecture, the skyscrapers, and office blocks are rich, deep, very old, and deliciously funky remnants of the Old World – Chinese, Indian, Malay – and a culture that still cherishes the joys of a simple, good thing.”

Anthony Bourdain

I can’t help pondering, that for a government, often accused of totalitarianism or at best a benevolent dictatorship, well the Lee Government handled the Hawker issue with sensitivity, taking something flawed, something that others had tried to destroy and made it endure – There is great Leadership on display here. Or,

Perhaps the Hawker Centre is simply an excellent place to eat?

(I explore Singapore’s success in my Postcard ‘Eating, extreme excess, and Crazy Rich Asians’, you can read it by following this link.)

Time Travel, and Singapore’s Autocratic Lee Kuan Yu

(This Postcard was written in September 2022, prior to commencing my October 2022 adventure in Singapore)

In October 2023 I am commencing an Adventure in Singapore. In preparation a little time travel, let’s briefly discuss a short history of Singapore. “You can’t really know a person until you get in their shoes and walk around in them,” so said Atticus Finch in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. So, in regard Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yu, Prime Minister 1959 to 1990: Since I will soon literally be walking in his footsteps, well I thought it smart to put on his shoes.

Let’s start with what I know:

Young Mr. Lee Kuan Yu.

Lee Kuan Yu was born in British Empire, Singapore 1923. Pondering the young Lee, I reflect that all people start as a child – If the adult becomes brilliant, average, a force for good or evil, or time travels through history: We all start as a simple innocent child. Life changes us, our past makes our future or can do: Time travel (click this link to understand my view on time travel)! Ok, I’m stalling, what do I really know? Not much:

Lee, like my dad was alive when the invincible British Singapore fortress fell to the Japanese in oh, about 1 week. Lee lived it up close and personal, my dad, just like so many Aussies, just felt the fear of Japanese Invasion from afar.

Making of Singapore.

Lee, made Singapore, how? I’m very sketchy on the details.

Lee once told Australian’s, “You will be the poor white trash of Asia.” This I did live, and I remember it aroused many budgies, in the land of smuggler’s descendants.

Prime Ministers Bob Hawke and Prime Minister Lee.

Then, oddly Aussie Prime Minister Bob Hawke agreed with Lee: Some of those budgies got really aroused!

Lee frequently had people flogged for chewing gum and dropping rubbish: I recall very well the West’s shock. Australian’s recoiled, we might be trash, but public floggings: How backward was this Lee character? Seems, we had long forgotten Britain, actually sent its ‘white trash’ Down Under, for petty crimes: Aussie authorities had a flogging penchant right up to 1958, when shock and horror Lee was alive. And that’s about all I know! What shaped him?

Time Travel with Mr. Lee Kuan Yu.

Lee was Cambridge educated, 1950 admitted as a Barrister. So, it seems he was a proper part of the Established British Empire. Whereas Ho Chi Minh, Uncle Ho to his mates, leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party: Well, the best the French and the United States could do for him were menial café jobs. It seems Lee understood the British, so when he, in his best Cambridge English, politely asked them to leave, well they actually did. It took over 100,000 dead French and US boys, and well over 2 Million Vietnamese: For those Western powers to say, Ok Uncle Ho, you can have your Country back.

Jumping to Feb 1942: Singapore has fallen to the Japanese. 80,000 British, Australian, and other Commonwealth troop, marched off to build Japan’s Death Railway, try and stay alive – 40% did not. Lee was arrested, mainly because he was educated and Chinese. Randomly separated into two groups, Lee’s group worked for Japan as British Intelligence Officers: The others were shot and fed to Singapore crabs. Perhaps another example suggesting that some people are just destined to be greater than crab poo. So,

Singapore, no bullying policy.

Lee witnessed all of this; it shaped his future. In 1961 Lee issued a public radio address and stated:

“I emerged from the war, determined that no one, neither Japanese nor British—had the right to push and kick Singapore around, we could govern ourselves”.

Lee Kuan Yu

Singapore became an independent State on 3 June 1959. A brief merger with Malaysia followed racial and economic conflict broke the marriage. In August 1965, the Republic of Singapore we know today emerged.

Singapore, successful time travel.

In 77 years, Singapore went from in Lee’s words: “Third World to First World”. Just how much of the Singapore we know, reflects Lee’s values? In 1974, Lee promoted water recycling – by 2015, Singapore achieved permanent water self-sufficiency. Although Singapore is very wet, that’s foresight many Countries would be envious of. Singapore in 1965 was illiterate, squalid housing, limited health care – Lee established world class education, health care, with 90% house ownership through public finance. So, yes today’s Singapore has emerged to Lee’s vision. Ok, so where’s the downside?

Singapore a flawed democracy.

The West has frequently criticized Lee’s authoritarian rule. Only in recent times has the Government included substantial representations of Parties other than Lee’s. But voting is open and free: Not surprisingly, Lee’s party receives more than 80% of the Vote. So, Benevolent Dictatorship it may well have been in its turbulent birth years: But it seems it’s a benevolence most Singaporeans freely vote for. However, Singapore is now considered a ‘flawed democracy,’ Lee’s party just can’t let go of control of journalism, elections, and the court room.

Singapore has at least one essential democratic issue in common with its ‘white trash’ neighbours: Both Singapore and Australia have compulsory mandated voting. But, whereas Australia rates number 13 in the International Democracy Index, Singapore is way down at 86. Some context to this Index – New Zealand 8, US 36, Ukraine 92, Russia 144.

Singapore, time travel and a serious destination.

In 1965, 100,000 tourists visited Singapore, in 2019 2.75 Million. In 24 hours, Lizzie and I will increase that number by two!

Young Mr. Lee, you created a serious Journey destination. (click this link to gain an insight into what I love about Singapore.)

Time Travel – Desperately seeking a Singapore Sling

(This Postcard was written in September 2022, from Australia whilst preparing for my adventure to Singapore. I had only just started writing and admit to having little if any idea what I would say, how to start, or even if I could.)

Firstly, my apology: My Postcard Number 1 introduced my intent to write about my upcoming Journey to Singapore. Since then, 6 Postcards, no Singapore. Just, distractions, crossroads, sidetracks, and lame dabbling in some form of written Stand-Up Comedy. Ok, I admit I’ve been delaying, I have absolutely no idea what a Travel Blog is, let alone how to write one! So, how about I document what I know off Singapore? While I’m about it might even do a little time travelling to reinforce my knowledge.

Sir Stamford Raffles – Colonizing Hero or Self-seeking villain?

Sir Stamford Raffles arrives.

Stamford Raffles rowed his pinnace ashore in Feb 1819, founding Singapore. With a ‘chilly bin’ full of Guinness he started a Pub, it became the internationally famous Raffles Hotel. A deck hand press ganged in Hong Kong, being of cultured upbringing, did not like drinking without food. Try these Singapore Noodles! Stamford’s French Chef, abhorred Guinness, saying: “Labière anglaise a le goût de la merde“, Aussie English translation meaning kinda: “English beer looks and tastes like something me bluey passed“: Try this Singapore Sling.

I first visited ‘Raffles Pub’ in 1986. It was somewhat run down and scruffy, rather rakish, and charming. Not very posh and none to selective about clientele, after all they let me drink in the main bar.

Singapore loves its Colonial Heritage.

Now ‘Raffles Pub’ is top shelf all the way. I took these photos a few nights back. Wet through, and rung out from walking Singapore: Well, I could not get in! Besides, $35 for a Singapore Sling, well that’s not really my cup of tea!

Without question ‘Raffles Singapore’ is the finest of the colonial architecture of Singapore, says a lot, because though the Singaporeans, were keen to see the British return to Europe, the Singaporean’s have spent considerable wealth maintaining the architectural heritage that remains in consequence of the British Empire.

Singapore, how did we get here?

Ok, that’s about my limit of knowledge on Singapore, other than:

The Singaporeans were mighty pissed in 1942, when Britain’s unconquerable armoured gunned fortress, fell quickly to Japan. The Japanese plan was really complicated: Let’s knick a pile of pushies from China, then ride down into Singapore from the opposite side of all those British guns. The British Commonwealth were dismally badly prepared for World War 2. One of many strategic failures was to underestimate the grit, tenacity and creativity of Japan. I suspect racism and bigotry played no small part in that.

In the 1950’s Singapore asked the British to go home. Unlike the French response to Vietnam’s similar request, surprisingly they actually did. Perhaps they remembered Publican Stamford’s advice:

Better to walk out of a Pub Brawl, then been thrown out“.

Sir Stamford Raffles.

Singapore managed communism with just a little slaughter and mayhem, well by Vietnamese and Indonesian standards.

Singapore’s Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, warned Australia in 1980, You will become the poor white trash of Asia‘. Very surprisingly, Australia’s Prime Minister Bob Hawke agreed with him.

Singapore, myths, ripping yarns and lies.

So, all of my extensive knowledge is true, or perhaps not?

in Feb 1819, Stamford did indeed establish the Singapore we know. A little time travel to 0135BC finds Claudius Ptolemy, a Roman Geographer, writing of the existence of the geographic place we know as Singapore. Which, introduces another of my pondering obsessions: Just how much knowledge of the Ancient World has been lost? More so given in 1776, British Captain James Cook, after several weeks Rugby Touring in New Zealand, literally ran into an unknown Australia! An Island 10,700 times bigger than Singapore.

The Buddhist Kingdom of Sumatra actually founded Singapura in 1250. Singapura means ‘Lion City’ in Sanskrit. Remaining the National Symbol today. Genghis Kahn, obsessed about time travel, also had a penchant for ‘Duty Free,’ establishing a Singapore trade mission in 1320. Singapore is hence the oldest location where a thriving Chinese community existed outside China.

1613, the Portuguese destroyed Singapore. Why? Perhaps the sailors were thirsty, and no one loves A Pub with No Beer. Indeed, their time travel was 200 years too early. Singapore sank into obscurity until Stamford decided, what a great place to build a pub!

Cocktails, noodles and other truths.

Singapore Noodles, well they are actually ‘Hong Kong Noodles,’ created by Hong Kong chefs in 1955 to add a little panache, to oh so common stir-fried noodles. Perhaps, Singapore had already established its position as an Asian food paradise for international travellers.

Stamford’s pub did indeed create the ‘Singapore Sling,’ but in 1915. Bartender Ngiam Tong Biam, an empathetic soul, realised some ladies, actually like a serious drink, but walking around in those high heels and silk sarong kebaya, carrying a double scotch was, well not very lady like. But a pink coloured drink, with fruit and an umbrella: Who could possibly know it has 3 times the boot of Stamford’s Guinness!

The value of Travel.

I have to catch the post now, so, why did the British leave so willingly? Can wait for another Postcard.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness.” So wrote Mark Twain in 1880, and it’s true. In our troubled international times, and abundance of open mindedness would surely be a positive attribute in all society.

Travel is excellent, even more inspiring when you actual know something about your destination.

National Myths – Bastard Horses and Scared Heroic Young Men.

A real Postcard – Subject of wonder my entire life.

National myths, every country has one. Humans need a sense of belonging. Who am I? We want to be part of something more than a mixed-up land full of people scrambling for a living. Australia’s national myth captures boys who fought and died in World War1, our (ANZACs).

The above postcard is but one of many sent by home sick Aussie boys.

A Postcard I first observed sometime back in the 1960’s: 1960’s! Ask your Grandma, it’s in all the history books. But, first let me introduce my Uncle Leslie Loveday, my Great Grandfather’s Brother.

Leslie sent this Postcard from Egypt to Australia on Feb 06, 1916. He had volunteered for war and joined the 1st Australian Imperial Force (AIF) Light Horse, a mounted infantry unit. Leslie was a country lad: riding, shooting, and living rough was part of his way of life. Leslie was like all Light Horseman: Rough, tough, adventurous, brave, courageous – ever up for a drink, smoke, and a bloody good laugh.

Les wrote to my Great Grandmother Annie: “Dear Annie, With Best Love Les“. Six months since seeing Annie, he might have been dead or gravely wounded: That’s all he could muster! Never accuse Les of verbosity!

Family heroes and National Myths.

As a child, Uncle Les was a mystery to me. A considerable hero in my family and certainly part of the Australian National Mythology which has developed around the 1st AIF Light Horse. The Light Horse became Australia’s crack special forces of World War 1. Over 100 years, they now carry the burden of all that Aussies aspire to be: Straight, Honest, Brave, Fearless, Straight Talking, Loyal and True – Ridgee Didge even!

Uncle Leslie was a ‘Philosopher,’ not literally, but that was the teasing name created by those who enlisted in 1914. See Leslie, apparently thought deeply about it for 2 years, then finally joined up in 1916. But,

The real truth was Uncle Les was only then just 16. When Uncle Les’ Squadron arrived in Egypt, it was immediately broken up. Three quarters were sent to Gallipoli, Les remained in the Middle East. This probably saved his life as Gallipoli, and later the European Front, were slaughterhouses. The role Les’ mates served in France, contributing to ending WW1 can be reviewed at this Link.

Les spent the War chasing Turkish cavalry around the Palestine Desert. Les rode a ‘Waler’ into battle. Another Aussie Iconic image, the stout, ugly, tough, loyal, and resilient war horse unique to Australia.

Bill and Les – Aussie mongrels fighting a War.

Now I only learnt all this recently. Not one person in my family had any such details. It seems the details of National Mythology do not really matter: What is important is the transformational power of the message. Something else I discovered.

Reality versus Myth.

Les is not actually my Great Grandfather’s Brother; Les is actually the brother of my Great Grandmother. So, Les is actually Leslie Smoothie. Yes, I know why does that matter? It does not, other than it exposes my bias for thinking in terms of men’s history. And it also explains why I could not find any details in Aussie War Records for Leslie Loveday. To be honest, I started to think the Family Mythology was a well-kept secret scam. So, what happened to Uncle Les?

Les came home in one piece. The Australian War Museum records that on one occasion Leslie’s Troop surprised a Turkish Armoured Patrol Boat resupplying in a canal. Typical of the Light Horse, they attacked, armed only with 303’s rifles and a handful of Lewis Guns, the automatic weapon of its day. Predictably, the Aussies were quickly outgunned by the heavy deck guns of the Patrol Boat. Leslie conducted a one-on-one duel with the Patrol Boat, he armed only with a Lewis. Dodging, weaving, and popping up from sand dunes, Leslie brought time for his Troop to withdraw, then I imagine skedaddled.

Uncle Les lived out his life as a baker in a small Australian country village, not far from where I now live. A humble quiet life. Presumably, he knew my grandmother, may have got drunk at my Mother’s Christening. He may well have known my dad, as I remember Les’ Brother-in-Law, my Great Grandad George Loveday. George and my dad were sitting in the sun rolling cigarettes, must have been around 1968. But,

National Mythology.

I’m guessing, as you can see: The details of National Myths don’t really seem to affect their powerful presence in our lives. So, the point of all this? Well, it is a good ripping yarn if nothing else. It speaks to how National Mythology develops, it’s often careless with the details. Enduring no doubt, all Nations require a foundational storyline. Whether they are true or not, or whether Nations are better for their existence. Whether individuals’ lives are improved for them. I am pretty confident it depends more on lives well lived by humble men like my Uncle Les.

Retail Therapy – Shopping, eating, consumerism, and status.

October 2022, I’m in Singapore attending to some ‘Retail Therapy’.

Singaporeans work hard and play harder.

They also shop, eat, shop and do some more eating – Shopping requires a lot of energy!

72 years previously Singapore became independent from Britain.

Singapore’s first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yu stated, “My Country would never again be bullied by Europeans or Asians”.

His direct reference being Britain and Japan.

If (and it’s a big if), Consumerism on a massive scale signifies success, then well-done Singapore.

Irrespective it’s all pretty groovy!

Time Travel – Destruction, Lust, Philosophers, Fascists, and Arseholes

(The concept of Stoicism consistently pops up in my writing as a sub theme. It will do it again in this piece. The Stoic Philosophy, and its positive impact on modern life, has gained popularity on social media. If you the reader want to know a little more highly recommend Chris Kirk's regular stoic ponderings at 'https://ascendbeyond.beehiiv/com') 

28 November 2022, finds me Down Under in rural Australia, suffering a debilitating head cold – feeling ‘blah’. No physical activity outside today for this little black duck. Besides, it’s oh so hot, extremely dry: The run down to XMAS in Australia. So, time for some ‘Time Travel’, better known as the pondering of history. 1980, I brought this old TARDIS, from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the first of many of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s cultural budget cuts. I’ve been very fortunate that my obsession with Time Travel, always provides the instant ability to leave the present, ponder the past, and imagine the future.

Julius Caesar – Time travel and a self-promoting violent arsehole.

The British Broadcasting Commission (BBC) created the TARDIS. A machine for travelling through history.

I’ve been casually pondering such issues as: Was Julius Caesar a Superstar, or just a typical self-promoting politically violent arsehole? Did his behaviour time travel down to us? Ancient British Druids knew some cool stuff, what happened to them? What did the Ancient Romans ever do for us? Did anything of significance time travel down to us in 2022? Just every day meaningless ponderings: Oh, and do head colds impact your mental faculties?

Now, if I can just remember where I put my reading glasses, ok: Here we come Julius.

Caesar meets the British Celts.

Julius Caesar, famous Ancient Roman General. Julius is a famous time traveller. His life has been recorded in history and travelled down to us.

2077 years previously, we find Julius Caesar invading Britain for the first time. Caesar’s all conquering legions fought their way ashore, but they did not stay long – seems British food was rough on the Italian digestion, besides those naked blue painted Brits, were not great company: They liked to get drunk and throw stuff!

Julius’ rugby toured Britain again 12 months later, again he did not stay exceptionally long: Preferring a Roman Cafe – good coffee, and the leisure time to write an awful lot of Fake News about British Celts.

Julius Caesar – Lies and Time Travel.

Caesar highly embellished the success of his troopers. Roman Infantry and Cavalry were at that time invincible. Caesar was the Ancient World’s equal of Field Marshal General Rommel, master of combined arms: Both suffered political assassinations. They were notorious self-promoters: Julius with his written war diaries, Irwin with his photos. We have so many excellent holiday snaps of Irwin in combat, simply because he ordered them taken. Jumping to 2022, Irwin has self-promotion in common with Donald Trump: The similarity stops there – One is a Fascist, the other was not.

General Rommel, famous German leaded of World War 2. Another brilliant time traveller who history has recorded, and he travelled down to us.

Julius’ War Diary Time Travel to us.

Caesar’s War Diaries skip the fact that arrival in Britain was accompanied by the sounds of his men being violently seasick: Romans were not particularly good sailors, this was not the Mediterranean! So, the common legionnaire, disorientated and vomiting: Looked up at the blue faced naked masses, led by Druid priests, and simply said “Vaffanculo, non sto uscendo da questo galeone”.

Julius delivered his typical brilliant oratory: Straight out of ‘Saving Private Ryan’, “Solo due tipi di uomini stanno su questi galeoni, gli uomini morti e quelli che stanno per morire‘. Still, they refused to move! Very cleverly he sent a faithful Centurion ashore carrying the ‘Roman Standard, but also carrying something Julius failed to mention, everyone’s pay! Perhaps the first recorded evidence that common soldiers will certainly fight for Empire, but it’s equally motivating to secure your pay whilst you’re at it. Who were these Druids?

British Celts and sexy Druids – Time travel.

British Celts were led by a ruling high class of Druids: Born to rule, leadership as birth right, aristocratic, priest, teacher, judge, magician, wizard, shape shifter and politician – The British like this sort of thing! Druids were highly effective at marshalling martial resistance to the Romans. Consequently, Rome responded with its typical pragmaticism – they simply slaughtered every single Druid. Ironically, Irwin Rommel would have preferred if Germany’s evil Druid had had been slaughtered. To reinforce a lesson, we’ve often forgotten over 2000 years, women were well represented amongst Druids.

Druids were the ruling class of Ancient Britain. Travelling through history down to us. They are renowned for their knowledge, leadership, wisdom, and political power. Women were well represented amongst Druids.

Female Leaders in the Ancient World.

Yes, Druids were men and women. Ancient records suggest they held some knowledge beyond common in Ancient Britain – From an earlier civilization, Atlantis even. I’m confident they looked nothing like the images that have time travelled down to us. More Maggie Thatcher or Boris Johnson, similarities exist, as Billy Bragg, (British poet, one time busker, folk singer and general shit stirrer) would agree, both were shapeshifters from another Planet.

Italian Mobsters and the Peace of Rome.

So, did Julius omit anything else? Caesar conveniently forgot to mention the significance of nature and specifically trees in the spiritual life of British Celts. He mentioned trees as in: “The Druids made human sacrifices and indulged in cannibalism amidst sacred tree groves“. It was indeed such sacrifices that Rome used as justification for the destruction of Druid led Celtic Civilization. Monumental hypocrisy on behalf of Rome! Caesar was motivated to promote the Celts as savages, he was playing a political game in Rome. Caesar’s War Diaries were the ‘twitter’ of their day. This dehumanizing of other humans for self-seeking political purposes, has been a constant time traveler down to us. Caesar was also broke!

Protection Racket in the Ancient World.

In service to the Italian Mob, Caesar was in debt to the Roman mobster families. Right up to the ears of ‘Genitor’ his fine equestrian mount. He had borrowed heavily to fund his earlier conquest of the European Celts. Not keen on sharing his bed with parts of Genitor. Military success for Caesar brought financial capital and the military honours required to dominate Rome’s politics.

Caesar invaded Britain, not to spread Roman Civilization, and certainly not to stop the alleged Druid atrocities. If Caesar was spreading ‘Pax Romana‘, it was more akin to a New York Mafia Protection Racket. Caesar wanted gold, silver, tin, and timber, the latter in huge abundance right across Britain.

Historians agree that the Celts of Britain had had a deep affinity for trees for thousands of years. The Celts were completely embedded as a forest culture. A telling point is that in the Celtic language, more words existed associated with trees than any other concept. Where might we be today if this affinity with nature had time travelled as ingrained human culture?

Ripping Yarns and the Tree of Life.

Ok, another ripping yarn and perhaps interesting, but what’s my point?

Postcard # 1 warned of my passion for Ancient History.’ve been reading history voraciously since I was about 20, so 40 years. Always pondered the achievements, thinking surely many cool things did not survive time travel? Knowledge lost? I also warned that all things are interconnected. Certainly, Ancient British Celts believed this was so. The Tree of Life was the spiritual, temporal, and pragmatic instrument of connections in Life. Such interconnectivity travels across time and space – Sometimes you just need to listen.

The Purpose of a Ripping Yarn.

My purpose was to consider the lost, what remained, reasons for such losses, what remains unchanged, and that rediscovered. All in the context of truth, warning that there are some real bull shit artists around these days. An art group I’ve been a member of for decades. Time Travel is a great antidote to such nonsense.

Somethings have not changed in 2077 years. History demonstrates that Politicians, Corporate Tyrants, and the Military, are capable of deception in service of self-seeking, self-promoting activity. In the name of self-interest, surely much has been lost, that could have made a better future. A better present, the one we live in now!

But did anything significant time travel down to us from the Ancient World?

What did the Ancient Romans ever do for us?

What did the Ancient Romans, Greeks and Persians ever do for us?

Rome gave us roads, central heating, concrete, the modern calendar, and flushing toilets. The latter quite an achievement, given this Aussie boy, did not have a flushing toilet till 1972! Ancient Greece left us some wonderful food. But also:

  • The water driven grain mill;
  • The speed odometer (important to control drink driving of bullock carts I guess);
  • Alarm clocks;
  • Cartography;
  • The Olympics;
  • Geometry;
  • Medicine,
  • Philosophy,
  • Democracy; (if you exclude women),
  • and Science.

Not to be outdone, the Ancient Persians left us:

  • The First Declaration of Human Rights (we obviously lost that copy);
  • Irrigation;
  • Refrigeration;
  • Guitar;
  • Monotheism (origin of the three Abrahamic Religions);
  • Windmills;
  • Air-conditioning; and
  • and the Postal System.


And then there is, ‘The Philosophy of Stoicism‘. 200 years prior to Julius’ British Tour, Zeno of Citium, Greece deeply pondered stuff. Zeno was a very grumpy writer. I know something of grumpiness I’ve written at length about it. You can find my previous post by following this Link.

Zeno of Citium, Ancient Greece deeply pondered stuff.

Lifes Purpose.

Eventually, several bottles of retsina in, he nailed the ‘Purpose of Life’ – Stoicism. Julius obviously skipped this class at the Military Academy – Playing polo with Genitor, I guess.

 Zeno’s ponderings time travelling 500 years down to Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius – 2022’s most well-known promoter of the power of Stoicism.

Mental Health and the stiff upper lip.

Few people would have heard of Zeno, but everyone is familiar with the term to be ‘stoic’. EG: The British displayed great stoicism during the Battle of Britain.

The stiff upper lip, the British Bulldog Defiance!

‘Keeping a stiff upper lip’, to be stoic, is an aspect of the Philosophy of Stoicism, but not the essence. The essence of Ancient Stoic Philosophy is that man can harness Logic, Acceptance and Control. All aimed at calming the heart, mind, and soul. Starting to sound familiar? Up steps modern Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Now time travel gets really interesting!

CBT has proven effective in treating:

  • Depression,
  • Anxiety,
  • Eating disorders,
  • Bipolar dysfunction,
  • Childhood abuse disorders,
  • Alcoholism,
  • Drug addiction, and
  • Smoking.

Given the increasing prevalence of such issues, high chance you’ve personally benefitted from CBT. Or at least some of your family and friends have. Excellent, how does CBT work?

In essence, with CBT, the idea is that if you have unhelpful automatic thoughts, these can negatively influence your emotions. Your emotions then drive behaviour. Often those negative or automatic thoughts do not accurately present reality. So, CBT interventions help you recognize or change those automatic thoughts. Then manage how you perceive, interpret, and react to the world. This sounds awfully familiar.

So, CBT of 2022 is based on Old Zeno’s writings of 2400 years previous? Well not exactly.

CBT arrives in the Contemporary World.

In 1962 American psychotherapist Albert Ellis, a pioneer of early CBT, was pondering his own time travel. Writing up clinical observations, he suddenly recalled his own Year 10 class on the teachings of Marcus. He was I imagined quite stunned:

“This principle, which I have inducted from many psychotherapeutic sessions, was originally discovered and stated by the ancient Stoic philosophers, especially Zeno of Citium, and Marcus Aurelius“.

The truths of Stoicism were set forth by Epictetus, who wrote:

Men are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.”

So, in 1942 the stoic old bulldog had it right:

It seems that 2400 years previously, humans stumbled across the healing power of Stoicism. Then enthusiastically went about destroying other people’s civilizations, tinkering with new religions, reducing trees to commodities. Generally, after fucking things up, then hurried off as if nothing happened.

Fortunately for those for whom CBT is a lifeline to happiness, we found our way back in time.

Time Travel.

Time for me to live in the 2022 present. After all my TARDIS needs a service, you just can’t get the spare parts. I’m told its COVID delays and the Ukraine War – Best be stoic and focus on what’s in my control.

Pay attention to your own personal TARDIS – Time and Relative Dimension in Space.

Take care.

Singapore – Has it really cast of Oppressive Colonialism ?

Postcard Singapore – British Heritage

In 1945, when Hiroshima and Nagasaki disappeared in a nuclear flash, well Japan’s dreams of the great ‘Asian Prosperity Sphere’ were, well and truly radioactive ash!

With Japan defeated and thrown out of occupied Asia, the original occupiers felt free to return. Britain quickly reset about renting out Singapore to the Singaporeans. Not surprisingly the Singaporeans said, “We’d like the property deeds back thank you!” (click this link to read about Singapore’s independence story)

This did not happen till 1965.

So, with the Landlord gone, clearly Singapore loved the British Empire Trinkets left behind.

A considerable part of a considerable National fortune has been spent repurposing such buildings to serve the people of the Republic: Art Galleries, Libraries, Museums, etc.

All first-class stuff!

Sir Stamford Raffles looks down on contemporary Singapore from numerous statues: Wonder what he would think?

Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.
Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.
Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.
Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.
Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.
Singapore has preserved its British Colonial Architecture.  Even though Singapore earned its independence from Britain in 1965.

Singapore Adventure – Crazy Exciting Negative Emotions

The author, Peter, loves travelling and adventure. This photo shows his backpack from his Army days in contrast to the backpacks he uses for contemporary travels.
Backpacking for Adventure – Then and now.

Negative Emotions Haunt Me.

Packing for my October 2022 Singapore adventure. Negative emotions haunt me, ghosts of my preparations, almost 20 years back, for one of the other great adventures in my life.

I had enlisted in the Australian Army at age 38. Why do something stupid like that?

I had wanted to enlist in 1979, Australia had only just extricated itself from the bloody war in Vietnam, my Country was giving shelter to refugees: War was fresh in our minds. My mother had endured my father’s 30-year military service, which had caused her great stress. She was also devoutly Catholic, and South Vietnam, a predominant Catholic country had just fallen to the ravages of communism, which added to her emotional stress. I did not want to break my mother’s heart by continuing the family military tradition, so, I became an Architect. But that urge and drive never left me. 2003, age 41, enlisted 3 years in, serving as an infantry soldier part time and volunteering for short term continuous full-time service: The Aussie Army was busy: Iraq, Timor-Leste – such things meant soldiering work for even middle age-old people.

It had been a long 3 years, undertaking study to achieve a commission from the Australian Royal Military Academy (Duntroon). Serious academic study are you serious! I am an Architect, it’s not that serious academically, I signed up to shoot and blow stuff up! Ok, I get paid to fire thousands of rounds through machine guns, sweet as Bro: What? You’re now telling me I have to hit a moving target at 300 metres, with just one shot! Sorry, Sarge can I ask, why you gave me an automatic weapon if I am only allowed one single shot? Ok, I will shut the F*ck up, and no I don’t want another arse hole, but I can’t even see that far! And, if I don’t qualify on that ridiculous task, twice a year I’m out!

Military Memories.

Oh yeah, long weekends, long weeknights, and regular trips away out to a month, but nothing like the last adventure. What was I thinking? Enlisted at age 38! Fat, heavy drinking, chain smoking over working Architect, then divorce. 20 years older than my Duntroon class mates. Dislocated shoulder from a horse-riding accident, lost me a year. First year was tough, how does one turn around a neglected body: Running, lifting, boxing, cold turkey on the smokes: And just digging deep most of the time. So,

Age 41, off on a two-month adventure, my last combat course: Hopefully, the Queen, would see fit to offer me the Commission I had wanted at age 17. How did I feel?

Nervous: What am I doing? Why? This is going to be a shear nightmare! Apprehension. Going to miss my family. Fear, yes! Little sleep, disgusting food and let us not think about the academic stuff. Face it, you are no ‘Rocket Scientist’ nor the sharpest tool in the shed! Ironically,

Welcome to the ruling Class.

I actually had a mate at Duntroon, who was doing his PHD in Rocket Science! See, I was a working-class boy from a working-class town, educated at a working-class Catholic School, I did not even go to University, I completed my architectural degree part time at a technical college in the evenings. My peers at Duntroon, many of them: Well, let me just say for the first time I met the ruling class. Sons and daughters of Generals, Senior Officers, Politicians and Corporate Titans, realization that indeed some people start life with one foot up the Journey of Life ladder. An awful lot of fire power to open doors for you. However,

Egalitarian Australia saves me.

Fortunately, Australia still holds onto to its desire for egalitarianism, embraces meritocracy. There were just as many from the back blocks, and every race, colour, and creed: It really represented contemporary Australia. Generally – Merit, drive, and determination had been their entry ticket.

So, yes 20 years previously I was far from excited – Negative emotional overload, definitely!

What else am I pondering?

Travelling companions.

Well, looking at my old once best companion: My standard Aussie Army Backpack and Combat Webbing. Like a shell to a tortoise, it had been my bedroom, kitchen, pantry, wardrobe, protection, and shelter. Contrasted with my Singapore kit: I think what a load of crap! All soldiers will tell you, check your kit, remember your government had it made for the lowest possible tender price. Check, check and check again.

What of my new adventure to Singapore?

Excited cannot describe it! Every corner I turn will be new, fresh full of opportunity. At age 60 it is so important to avoid physical and mental staleness. The narrow mindedness of age and experience. Mark Twain, writing in 1880, captured my feelings:

A photo of United States author Mark Twain. Twain was a prolific adventure traveller. He recommends in the quote that travel is a antidote to prejudice and bigotry.

So, what about my adventure of 20 years previous, what happened?

Smirking your way through life.

If in doubt, well smirk your way through life!

Well, I passed my course, never had to reset any academic subjects. The old corpse stood up pretty well, though I lost 8 kilograms. Posted out as a newly printed Troop Commander to First Field Artillery. I remember doing an awful lot of smirking, which is really my message to the world, that I don’t take either myself or it very seriously.

But I moved on again after several years. Life changes! Was all that work wasted? Not really. I spent another 14 odd years Project Managing Defence Construction Projects. I had the time of my life, complex, tough projects, long, mostly satisfying hours, collaborating with incredible people: None of that would have happened without doing something really stupid, like enlisting at 38! Certainly, none of that would have happened if I remained a fat, heavy drinking, chain smoking over working Architect.

Every Journey requires a forward step.

Sometime, life requires a step into fear and the unknown. Opportunity seldom comes to the sedentary man. Ernest Hemingway captures it for me:

United States author, Ernest Hemingway, states in the quote, "It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

Ernest Hemingway

What a journey Singapore will be!

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